nienke schoLts
About me
Since my graduation from the MA Theatre Studies at the University of Utrecht in 2009, I am developing a dramaturgical practice through which I work and think in relation to other realms than performance alone. As a dramaturge I got particularly involved in co-developing methods and practices invoked by new forms of (performance) art - with Dries Verhoeven, Emke Idema, Anne Breure, MOHA, Genevieve Murphy i.e. Since 2014, I work at Veem House for Performance as house-dramaturge, creating discursive programs. Currently I am finalizing my own publication series Words for the Future, a search for a language that might help to open up imaginations on the future. I am an artistic researcher at DAS Research of the Amsterdam School of the Arts. Since 2016, within the Local School and since July 2018 as fellow of the second cohort of THIRD! With the support of this structure I currently work towards obtaining a practice based Phd position. I lecture at the MA Scenography in Utrecht, and am a co-founder and member of Platform Scenography. Recent publications include: Dramaturges that Do Not Work for a Work in ‘Dramaturgy at Work’ (by K. Georgelou et all, 2017); and Current Movements, Future Landscapes (co-edited with P-S/Research Centre Performative Processes, 2016). I was born in 1984 and live in Utrecht.