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The essays I share here are relevant in the light of my Fluid Fundaments research.

Schermafbeelding 2018-08-25 om 11.02.17.

Dramaturges that Do

Not Work for a Work


In this essay I explore the creation of dramaturgical processes through different modes of collaboration, and the idea of seeing dramaturgy as collaboration. I wrote this essay for the book The Practice of Dramaturgy, Working on Actions in Performance – by Konstantina Georgelou, et all (2017). 

Schermafbeelding 2018-08-25 om 11.02.56.

Poetic Faith


Here I propose scenography as a form of spatial engagement; feeling yourself literally involved in, and responsible for a space i.e. the world. Already here I explore the importance of the position ‘from within’, of imagination, and of actions that transform and continue the world. It is part of the publication Current Movements Future Landscapes | Reflections on the symposium Thinking-Scenography (2016). 


Writing in the Dark


and then the doors opened again is a publication, edited by David Weber-Krebs. It is a collective act of imagination about the ossible futures of theatre written from the moment of the Covid-19 lockdown.


The project brings together 75 visions by artists, scholars, curators and spectators, created in response to a question sent to them by David Weber-Krebs in the middle of the first wave of Covid-19 in Europe: What will happen on your first theatre visit after the lockdown?


This is my response, in which I describe my evolving practice of 'scotography' - writing in the dark

 © 2018 by Nienke Scholts

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